Yuri Oku’s Homepage
I am a theoretical astrophysicist at Zhejiang University.

- 2024/11/01 Paper published in ApJ: “Osaka Feedback Model III: Cosmological Simulation CROCODILE” (Oku and Nagamine).
- 2024/04 Joined the Center for Cosmology and Computational Astrophysics (C3A) at the Institute for Advanced Study in Physics of Zhejiang University as a postdoctoral researcher.
- 2024/02/07 Defended my PhD. Thesis titled “Physically-motivated feedback models and the IGM metal enrichment in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations” (Advisor: Prof. Nagamine).
- 2023/12/30 Paper submitted: “Osaka Feedback Model III: Cosmological Simulation CROCODILE” (Oku and Nagamine).
- 2022/08/19 Our paper “Osaka Feedback Model. II. Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-resolution Simulations” (Oku, Tomida, Nagamine, Shimizu, and Cen) has been published in ApJS.
- 2022/07/26 Updated the paper on the arXiv to the accepted version. Updated the Research page.
- 2022/06/12 Our paper has been accepted for publication in ApJS.